SOCIALISM AND ISLAM. Two important currents of social and religious philosophy that have flowed through centuries of Middle Eastern and North African development are socialism […]
Year: 2017
SLAVERY. A prevalent institution of the Islamic world throughout its history, slavery (`ubudiyah, riqq) had a crucial influence on societies and cultures of Islam. Slavery […]
SIRHINDI, AHMAD (26 June 1564-10 December 1624), eminent Indian Sufi whose ideas shaped the second or Mujaddidi- phase of the Naqshbandi order. Sirhindi was born […]
SIPAH-I PASDARAN-I INQILAB-I ISLAMI. One of the most interesting aspects of the Iranian Revolution is the institutional arrangement that was negotiated over the shape and […]
Şinasi, İbrahim
Şinasi, İbrahim (5 August 1826 – 13 September 1871), Turkish journalist. Şinasi is one of the more enigmatic figures of Turkish intellectual history. Despite his […]
SIN. In the Qur’an several words are used for sin, a breach of the laws and norms laid down by a religion, including dhanb, 1thm, […]
SIBACI, MUSTAFA AL- (1915-1964), Syrian political thinker, educator, and founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. Born in Homs, al-Siba’i came from a prominent family […]
SHRINE. The Arabic term qubbah (a tomb surmounted by a dome) refers throughout the Muslim world to saints’ shrines and mausoleums and places of special […]
In Islam, shirk is the sin of practicing idolatry or polytheism, i.e. the deification or worship of anyone or anything other than the singular God, […]
Powerful Natural Antibiotics That Don’t Require A Prescription!
Hospital antibiotics have become one of the most over-prescribed “medicines” today. As a result, people have ruined their digestive systems and ironically, have lowered their […]