Food & Health

Autoimmune disease prevention.

By Prof. Farrukh Hussain

Our immune system is made up of organs and cells meant to protact our body from bacteria, parasites, viruses and cancer cells. An autoimmune disease is the result of the immune system accidently attacking our body instead of protecting it. It’s unclear why our immune system does this.
There are over 100 known autoimmune diseases. Common ones include lupus,(a disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues and organs.)rheumatoid arthritis, (is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease (painful) which means that your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake, causing painful the affected part of the body. Crohn’s disease (it causes inflation in your digestive tract.) and ulcerative colitis.
Auto immune diseases can affect many types of tissues and nearly any organ in your body. They may cause a variety of symptoms including pain, tiredness (fatigue), rashes, nausea, headache, dizziness and more. Spesficaly systems depend on the the exact disease. Some common autoimmune diseases include.
Diseases of the joints and muscles.
Diseases of the digestive tract.
Diseases of the endocrine system.
Diseases of the skin.
Diseases of the nervous system and other diseases.
Autoimmune disease is controlled by genetic and environmental factors. Both of these affect susceptibility to auto immunity at three levels.
The overall reactivity of the immune system, the specific antigen and its presentation, and the target issue. When we look for prevention. Vitamin D supliments really do prevent people developing an autoimmune disease, at least for those over 50, vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is responsible for numerous functions, such as strengthening bones, improving muscle strength, boosting the immune system, and sending messages between brain and body. Lately observations has raised the possibility that stress may cause autoimmune disease such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, because it found a higher incidence of autoimmune diseases among the people who were previously diagnosed with the stress-related disorders.
A common definition of stress is any experience that causes tension, whether physical, psychological, or emotional, especially if it sets off the ” fight or flight ” response but it is known that persistent stress such as worry about finances, mental or physical health, or interpersonal relationships could lead to chronic disease such as high blood pressure or autoimmune disease.
There is a big difference between stress and having a ” stress – related disorder ” in which a particular, well defined condition or disease develops following a specific and intensely event.
The other thing about autoimmune disease is when the body’s immune system goes awry and mistakenly attacks its own tissues, it triggers an outpouring of white blood cells and other substances known as inflammation, this largely invisible insidious process is the hallmark of autoimmune systematic inflammatory diseases.
Inflammation is also at the heart of cardiovascular disease. When fatty plaque builds up inside arteries the body perceives it as foreign and enlists a similar arsenal of white blood cells. These further ignite an inflammatory response, creating conditions that encourage the blood clots that are responsible for most heart attacks and strokes.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. What happens is the pancreas produces a harmone called insulin, which is essential to helping glucose get into the body’s cell in a person without diabetes, the pancreas produces more insulin whenever blood levels of glucose rise for example, after a meal and the insulin signals the body’s cells to take in the glucose. In diabetes either the pancreas ability to produce insulin or the cells response to Insulin is altered. Healthy food is an ultimate solution for prevention it helps and harms the body inflammation is the part of our body’s healing mechanism – the reason why your knee swelled and turned red when you injured it. But this inflammatory repair process can sometimes go awry, lasting too long and harming instead of helping. When Inflammation is caused by an ongoing problem it can contribute to health problems over time, inflammation stemming from chronic stress, obesity, or autoimmune disorder may potentially trigger conditions such as arthritis, heart disease. God forbid.

God bless everyone with good health.

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